Association of ProAgria Centres
Advisory services
We'll succeed together! ProAgria offers services and expertise for developing the competitiveness and profitability of agricultural and business activities.
Carbon neutral company
Carbon neutral supply chain
Climate partners
Climate measures, targets & achievements
Climate measure
We assist in defining the climate goals and measures of farmers and provide expertise and partnership.
Climate measure
We take part in farm planning with 7300 farmers, that takes in account optimisation of nutrients, soil conditions for growth and addition of soil organic matter as well as crop rotation.
Climate measure
We enable carbon footprint assessment services with Biocode.
Climate measure
We have published the Climate wise farm book to support climate measures of farms. The book has 15 000 copies.
Carbon neutral company
Carbon neutral supply chain
Products & services
With our advisory services we improve the results of primary production, for example crop yields and productivity of animal production, that decrease per unit emissions and lead to smaller carbon footprints. We continuously seek and develop new service solutions to reduce carbon footprints in farming. In all our activities we also take into consideration biodiversity and animal wellbeing.