Carbon footprint *
KG CO₂e / KG
Hailia Pulled Small Fish
Hailia Nordics
We calculated the carbon footprint of Pulled Small Fish for the year 2024 by estimating the consumption of raw materials, utilities, and packaging materials in our process. We also included emissions from the water used in the process cleaning and its heating. In the calculation, emissions were assessed up to the factory gate. Hailia Pulled Small Fish is an easy-to-use, mild-tasting fish product made from Baltic herring. Pulled Small Fish is suitable for replacing tuna or meat in familiar dishes, from casseroles to sauces. Hailia Pulled Small Fish won the Seafood Innovations competition in the innovative seafood products category in the fall of 2023. The product is gluten-free, dairy-free, and high in protein. It carries the "Hyvää Suomesta" (Good from Finland) label, the Heart Symbol, and the MSC certification.
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* Carbon footprint
This product carbon footprint represents the amount (kg) of net greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides) in carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) into the atmosphere per amount (kg) of produced functional product. The carbon footprint is a measure of climate impact (impact category), expressed as the product’s global warming potential over 100 years, GWP 100. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and concentrations in the Earth’s atmosphere mitigate global warming and climate change.
Life cycle assessments (LCA) of the product are made from cradle to gate (raw materials to packaged end-products) and include all fossil emissions, GWP fossil, resulting from the product’s production. Biogenic emissions and removals, GWP biogenic, including land-use, land-use changes and biogenic methane, are calculated and reported separately. When product-specific values are not presented, biogenic emissions and removals are disregarded or regarded as having net-zero climate impact (emissions = removals). Thus, the product carbon footprint represents carbon footprint (fossil), unless otherwise stated.
For scale, the cradle-to-gate carbon footprint values of common food products at usual points-of-purchase are estimated to have a range of approximately 0-40 kgCO₂e/kg. Deviations are possible.