Carbon footprint *
KG CO₂e / KG
Mummon slim French fries 900 g
Pohjolan Peruna
Mummon slim french fries are made of Finnish potatoes. Slim french fries are excellent choice for dipping, as a side or main course. Slim french fries can be prepared in an oven, an air-fryer or a deep-fryer.
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Pohjolan Peruna
Pohjolan Peruna Oy has manufactured Finnish potato products since 1962. Pohjolan Peruna works closely with contract farmers to continuously develop the best potato varieties for products. Pohjolan Peruna is best known for it’s Mummon products. The plant is located in the municipality of Raahe, Northern Ostrobothnia in Finland, surrounded by the best potato fields in the country.
Mummon Chicken nuggets mixed with French Fries 450g
Combined Mummon french fries with Naapurin Maalaiskana’s chicken nuggets. Includes 64 % french fries and 36 % chicken nuggets. Fast and easy to prepare in an oven, in a deep-fryer or in an airfryer. Made of Finnish potatoes and chicken. Lactose-free, gluten free, egg-free and soy-free.
Mummon Kebab mixed with French Fries 450g
We combined popular Mummon crinkle cut French Fries with Korv-Görans kebab meat. Frozen product. Mummon kebab mixed with French fries are fast and easy to prepare in an oven, in a deep-fryer or in an airfryer. Enjoy everyday as well as in parties. Made of the Finnish rawmaterials.
Mummon Delicious Sausage cubes mixed with French Fries 500g
We combined two Finnish favorites: Mummon Crinkle cut French fries and Atria Punainen lenkki sausage cubes. Includes 71 % french fries and 29 % sausage cubes. Mummon French fries with sausage cubes are an easy and quick food to enjoy for everyday life and parties. Easy and quick prepare in an oven, in a deep-fryer or in an airfryer.
Mummon country French fries 900 g
Only selected potato varieties are used for crispy country French fries, which give the product just the right taste and crunch. They are washed and cut a little thicker with the skin on. All Mummo’s products are made of 100% Finnish potatoes. The potatoes come from the farms of our contracted farmers in Northern Ostrobothnia.
Mummon country French fries 450 g
Only selected potato varieties are used for crispy country French fries, which give the product just the right taste and crunch. They are washed and cut a little thicker with the skin on. All Mummo’s products are made of 100% Finnish potatoes. The potatoes come from the farms of our contracted farmers in Northern Ostrobothnia.
* Carbon footprint
This product carbon footprint represents the amount (kg) of net greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides) in carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) into the atmosphere per amount (kg) of produced functional product. The carbon footprint is a measure of climate impact (impact category), expressed as the product’s global warming potential over 100 years, GWP 100. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and concentrations in the Earth’s atmosphere mitigate global warming and climate change.
Life cycle assessments (LCA) of the product are made from cradle to gate (raw materials to packaged end-products) and include all fossil emissions, GWP fossil, resulting from the product’s production. Biogenic emissions and removals, GWP biogenic, including land-use, land-use changes and biogenic methane, are calculated and reported separately. When product-specific values are not presented, biogenic emissions and removals are disregarded or regarded as having net-zero climate impact (emissions = removals). Thus, the product carbon footprint represents carbon footprint (fossil), unless otherwise stated.
For scale, the cradle-to-gate carbon footprint values of common food products at usual points-of-purchase are estimated to have a range of approximately 0-40 kgCO₂e/kg. Deviations are possible.