Helsinki Mills organic oat flakes
Carbon footprint *
KG CO₂e / KG

Myllärin Organic Oat Flakes

Helsinki Mills

Soft and tasty porridge is made from oat flakes made from domestic whole-grain organic oats for breakfast or dinner. You will get the perfect result when you cook your porridge in milk or vegetable milk. Also use high-fiber organic oat flakes for rolls, oatmeal cookies or even home-made granola.



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Cereal products
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Helsinki Mills

Food and beverages

Helsinki Mills is a Finnish family-owned company that develops, manufactures and markets various cereal products for consumers, large kitchens and industry. We are Finland's largest processor of domestic organic grain, a major manufacturer of various oat products and an exporter of grain products. Our production process has been carbon neutral since 2020. We export oat products to about 40 countries.

Helsinki Mills cover

* Carbon footprint

This product carbon footprint represents the amount (kg) of net greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides) in carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) into the atmosphere per amount (kg) of produced functional product. The carbon footprint is a measure of climate impact (impact category), expressed as the product’s global warming potential over 100 years, GWP 100. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and concentrations in the Earth’s atmosphere mitigate global warming and climate change.

Life cycle assessments (LCA) of the product are made from cradle to gate (raw materials to packaged end-products) and include all fossil emissions, GWP fossil, resulting from the product’s production. Biogenic emissions and removals, GWP biogenic, including land-use, land-use changes and biogenic methane, are calculated and reported separately. When product-specific values are not presented, biogenic emissions and removals are disregarded or regarded as having net-zero climate impact (emissions = removals). Thus, the product carbon footprint represents carbon footprint (fossil), unless otherwise stated.

For scale, the cradle-to-gate carbon footprint values of common food products at usual points-of-purchase are estimated to have a range of approximately 0-40 kgCO₂e/kg. Deviations are possible.

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